avintos AG
Weidenweg 17
4310 Rheinfelden
Contact us
Tel: +41 (0) 61 836 15 30
Sustainability is of central importance to us as a company with a high awareness of social responsibility. This is an ongoing process that is not limited to our own company boundaries, but is also intended to have a positive impact on the environment and society. We not only want to offer our customers sustainable products, but also support our customers in their sustainability culture with our products. That is why we are at your side with our extensive product and application knowledge.
avintos aims to create a culture and environment that promotes health and well-being. The corporate culture has a strong influence on the health and willingness to perform of employees. We use continuous employee surveys for analysis and strive to constantly improve the corporate culture.
The development and promotion of employees are of crucial importance to us. With well-founded apprenticeships, we give young people the best possible start to their careers. With further training, support for extra-occupational studies and ever new challenges, we enable our employees to develop and exploit their potential.
A large part of our sustainability work is based on Indutrade's Code of Conduct. As a guideline, the Code of Conduct includes dealings within the company as well as with authorities and our suppliers. It covers important corporate principles and actions, including ethical principles at all levels of business, responsibility for safety in the workplace, respectful and open interaction between employers and employees, human rights and environmental aspects.
More than ever, it is clear that we must all contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions. We too have a responsibility to reduce our ecological footprint and find new sustainable solutions. In cooperation with the Swiss organisation Carbon-Connect AG, a corporate carbon footprint (Scope 3) was calculated for 2019 and subsequent years and unavoidable CO₂ emissions were offset and compensated for via a climate protection project. Avintos AG thus operates 100% climate-neutral.
At the same time, we want to take our own CO₂ plans to the next level. The majority (81%) of the greenhouse gas emissions based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol are indirect (Scope 3) emissions in the area of goods transport, commuting or business travel. We strive to reduce these emissions in line with our operating principles for sustainable development. We work with our suppliers and customers to ensure sustainable transport chains by planning purchases, deliveries and business travel to minimise our environmental impact from transport.
Climate protection projectOur biggest contribution to reducing overall emissions comes indirectly, by offering our industrial customers greener and more technologically efficient products and solutions that enable them to make their own businesses more sustainable.
Good quality pays off
For us, sustainability means that the products we supply should last a long time, well beyond the warranty period. When products wear out after decades of hard work, they need to be able to be repaired. Through extensive knowledge and technical support, we help our customers extend the life of their products through repairs and maintenance and reduce costs. Three of our partner suppliers deliver products that are manufactured entirely in Switzerland with the utmost care, efficiency and quality. We are proud to be able to supply our customers with such sustainable products.
avintos AG as part of the Swedish group Indutrade is committed to the group's sustainability strategy and goals.
Indutrade has signed an agreement with the UN Global Compact (UNGC) sustainability initiative, which serves as a framework for our sustainability work. We see increasing corporate responsibility as an opportunity for sustainable growth, development and profitability - now and in the future.
More about Indutrade's sustainability goals